Every prospect goes through a series of steps before they make a purchase or buy from you. This journey they take before making a purchase is normally referred to as the Buyer Journey. The buyer’s journey describes a buyer’s route to purchase. Buyers first become aware of, they then “consider to”, and finally decide to buy a product or a service.
The first is the Awareness Stage or Top of the Funnel: At this stage, the buyer experiences symptoms of a problem. They usually still can’t name the issue, and they are seeking to understand more. At this stage, prospects are looking for more information.
The second stage is the Evaluation Stage which is also known as the Middle of the Funnel: At this phase, prospects have identified their problem and are now looking for solutions. They have understood their exact need, and want to explore the options available.
The third and last is the Decision Stage or Bottom of the Funnel: This is the final stage and it is where the buyer has more or less a clear idea about the different solutions in the market. They are now searching for options, with an intention to buy a product or service.
The buyer journey makes it clear that not every person who visits your site or page is there to buy your products or services. Audiences or visitors have different motivations and intents.
You will need to adjust your content to these different stages but first things first, let us focus on the first stage of the buyer journey.
The Awareness Stage: What are buyers looking for at this stage? What type of content can you offer them to solve their pains or fulfill their needs? What are your buyer’s motives and expectations at this stage of the journey?
Importance of the Awareness Stage
- You only get one chance to impress and retain your customer, and it is at the awareness stage. This stage is your first touchpoint with your potential customer. It sets the first impression. A prospect who comes across your content on social media or lands on your blog for the first time knows nothing about your business or the products or services you offer.
- It is at this stage that you get a shot to build your credibility and authority in your expertise. If people find your content valuable, they will trust you as an expert in that niche and you will be their go-to, person. You need to impress people at this stage because they may also recommend you to their circles.
- This stage also determines the quality and also quantity of your leads. Coming up with the right content at this stage will attract the right people. To attract better leads and consequently higher chances to sell and prosper at this stage, ensure that your content is adapted and targeted.
At the Awareness Stage; what do prospects look for?
At this phase, prospects are looking at understanding a problem better. They are looking for information and knowledge. At the awareness stage, the buyer is going through a problem or pain, and they aim to solve it. The buyer looks for informational resources so that they can clearly understand and give a name to their problem.
At this stage, therefore, create a purely educational type of content. Provide value and help your prospects define and understand their need. The aim of your content at this stage is to get people to stick around and find out more. Browsing your website or your posts will help them move forward in the buyer journey.
Your call to action should expose them to more of your products or the services that you offer. For example, if you are writing blog posts at this stage, you should offer them other content to read. Do not put a trial offer at the end of your article. Do not offer them a discount. They are not yet ready to buy at this phase, thus, exposing them to a sales offer will spoil all your chances of selling.
As an alternative, encourage them to consume more of your content. Expose them to some great video you have done, or some amazing guide you have written. Exposing your prospects to more helpful content will keep them around.
What Content is Ideal for the Awareness Stage?
The ideal types of content at this stage include:
- Blog posts
- YouTube videos (How to do)
- Checklist
- Training
- Social Media Posts
- Webinars (Educational)
- E-books
- Info graphics
- White paper
Nourishing your audience’s needs should be your number one priority. Take your prospects by the hand and help them find what they are looking for. If it is information they need, then make it easy to find.
At the awareness stage, your prospects are looking for solutions and answers to their queries. They don’t want to buy your product yet; so do not feel compelled to push it in front of them. Give them exactly what they want, and they will want to buy your product when they are ready. Be patient, and nurture your relationship with your prospects.
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